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Builder's Fetish

Material found metal objects


Edition 1


Builder's Fetish has been assembled from the materials left over from my life as a builder (all the stuff that you always keep because it will be needed on the next job, and old tools you can't bear to throw away.)


Up until now, my sculptures have always started with an idea that is sometimes drawn and occasionally I will make a maquette, then the material is selected, such as; stone, wood, bronze, etc.


But in this case it took over 12 months, staring at builders' detritus and wondering what to do with it, i.e. throw it away. Then it dawned on me, assemble it into something that would get rid of my frustrations, and also would hopefully be something to laugh at.


Builder's Fetish shows that you can bring life to things that otherwise would go straight to the skip.

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